OPAC is an acronym for Online Public Access Catalog with free translation. Online catalog means a series of information about a product, in this case a book, published using internet media which is packaged in one page or website so that it can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, by anyone.
OPAC is a designation for one of the interfaces used by SLiMS. Another interface is the Administration Pages interface. The Administration Homepage interface will be discussed and will be seen in the next chapter. In this chapter, we will look at the details of the SLiMS OPAC interface.
SLiMS OPAC | from time-to-time
Senayan 3 Stable 14 Seulanga OPAC displays menu, header, sidebar, content, and footer. The menus provided are Home, Library Information, Help on Search, Member Area, and Librarian login. The header is the SLiMS logo, title and subtitles. Then the sidebar consists of Select Language, Simple Search, Advanced Search. For content contains collections that can be accessed by the library user. While the footer is brief information about SLiMS.
OPAC on Senayan 3 Stable 15 Matoa, has no significant changes to what has been developed in OPAC on Senayan 3 Stable 14 Seulanga. There are changes at several points, including adding a background to the header, placing the Search column in the header section previously in the sidebar and changing the basic color to make it look more vibrant.
The SLiMS 5 Meranti OPAC display underwent a significant change from the two previous SLiMS versions. This is indicated by the absence of a sidebar and content from the data collection entry process. The focus of the changes is by placing the Search column in the middle of the OPAC display so that it becomes more elegant. In addition there is the addition of a top section in the form of a navbar containing social media links and new placements from Select Language.
The SLiMS 7 Cendana OPAC display just enhances what has been done on the SLiMS 5 Meranti OPAC display. Improvements produce a background with a higher resolution so that it looks more attractive. Then there are additions to the sub menu, namely Librarian which provides information related to librarians managing libraries.
OPAC display Slims 8 Akasia be more different. The SLiMS 8 Akasia OPAC looks simple but still has an elegant impression. Many changes were made to the SLiMS 8 Akasia OPAC display, including the addition of a menu logo. The menu provided is Home, Library News, Library Information, Library Location, Member Area, Librarian, Help on Search, Librarian Login, and About SLiMS, as well as a language replacement menu interface. The search column is simpler because it only provides one column but does not reduce the quality of the search results. The addition of a feature to the SLiMS 8 Akasia OPAC is a live chat feature. Then the social media placement is also changed to the footer section.
The new version, the display is made to be more fresh. Slims 9 OPAC Classic Bulian uses a template which has been optimized. In this template, update bibliographic data displayed based on the classification. Shown is also the most popular collections list, a list of the latest collection as well as updated, the list of borrowers. The menu is displayed on the header template, so immediately visible to the user.